Solo created for the show Segundos Movimentos of the Quasar Jovem Cia de Dança, pre-professional company affiliated with Quasar Cia de Dança. Inspired by the challenges of women to balance professional achievement and private life in the context of Western societies presently.
Premiere on December 13 and 14, 2008 at Espaço Quasar, Sala/Teatro Julson Henrique, Goiânia, Brazil.
Performances :
April 3 to 5, 2009 at Espaço Quasar, Sala/Teatro Julson Henrique, Goiânia
June 24, 2009 at Teatro Goiânia Ouro, Goiânia
Conception and choreography: Simone Camargo
Performer: Tainara Carareto
Musical extracts: Radiohead
Costumes: Letycia Rossi
Light designer: Sérgio Galvão
Scenery: Mateus Dutra
Production: Quasar Cia de Dança