Céu de Espelhos

Inspired by the Beatles and Lewis Carroll, Irupé Sarmiento and Samuel Kavalerski created Céu de Espelhos (2016), a dance that starts from the intersection between characters and images from the psychedelic song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (1967) and the books Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1871). Contemplated with the O Boticário da Dança award, it circulated in 8 cities in the state of São Paulo with funding from the State of São Paulo, ProAC 2017.

Simone Camargo was an interpreter of Céu de Espelhos in the tour to the state of São Paulo, carried out in 2018 :

February 23 and 24, 2018. Sala Palma de Ouro . Salto . Brazil
March 2 and 3, 2018 . Teatro Municipal de Ubatuba . Ubatuba . Brazil
March 16 and 17, 2018 . Centro de Convenções Jornalista Nelson Camargo . Votuporanga . Brazil
March 25 and 26, 2018 . Teatro Municipal de Mauá Anselmo Walende . Mauá . Brazil
March 30 and 31, 2018 . Teatro Municipal Miguel Cury . Ourinhos . Brazil
April 6 and 7, 2018 . Teatro Municipal Fausto Bellini Degani . Batatais . Brazil
April 13 and 14, 2018 . Espaço Cultural Teatro Galpão . Pindamonhangaba . Brazil
April 20 and 21, 2018 . Teatro Municipal de São José dos Campos . São José dos Campos . Brazil

Céu de Espelhos

Premiere on May 26, 2016, at Festival Cultura Inglesa, at Galeria Olido, São Paulo, Brazil.

Director: Samuel Kavalerski
Concept and choreography: Irupé Sarmiento and Samuel Kavalerski
Performance: Irupé Sarmiento (2016-2017), Simone Camargo (2018-2019) and Samuel Kavalerski
Production Direction: Daniela Santos (2016) and Flavia Borsani (2016-2018)
Costumes: Antonio Bizarro
Costume assistant: Anderson de Oliveira
Light designer: Silviane Ticher
Soundtrack: Fernando Martins
Musical participation: Thiago Petit
Photos: Wiliam Aguiar and Clarissa Lambert
Video: Renan Livi and Vinícius Renan Livi and Vinícius Cardoso
Disclosure and press: Flávia Fontes Oliveira and Dialeto Arte e Comunicação